Kathy Angelica Zúñiga
Tax, administrative and corporate law.
Kathy has experience in the practice of tax, administrative and corporate law. She worked in the Federal Tax and Administrative Court of Justice in the Third Metropolitan Regional Chamber. She was an intern in the firm Grupo Gap, S.A. de C.V., where she worked on contract review and advice projects; she also worked on agrarian, civil, environmental and administrative law matters. She regularized real estate and carried out procedures before the Registration Institute of the State of Mexico, the Environmental Enforcement Agency and the Territorial Regulatory Agency of the Federal District, among others. In 2014, Kathy joined Sámano Abogados, S.C., to strengthen our corporate and company work team.
Bachelor of Law Degree. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Law School, 2015, Mexico City. (in process of receiving degree)
Diploma in Business Law. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Law School, 2016, Mexico City.
National Forum for Protection of Personal Data and Information Technology Law, Escuela Libre de Derecho, 2017, Mexico City.
Student of the Specialty in Corporate Law, National University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Postgraduate studies in the Law School, Mexico.